19 August 2012

Hotel stuff

I got big news... After hard work on carrying furniture on favela I got a new job. In hotel here in Gavea. It's luxury and close to my house. Salary 1000 BRL. Tomorrow I will start at 7.30.

With this job helped me my old boss and some girl called Rachel who was working in that hotel before me. I carried a bed for her house with owner of store and he mentioned for her that gringo here needs a better job because he speaks other languages and this job could do 95% favelados of Rocinha. :D And she told us that she works in some little hotel where owner is a french and for sure needs someone who speaks english.

Yeah I met with that guy and he said ok that I can start work on monday. What is ironic that the girl who helped me got fired for money robery in hotel. Life is in circles :D