26 November 2012

Rocinha described by LA Times

Yeah guys, things are going more or less well and I'm enjoying my life. But besides my life there are many interesting things. I found some article about favela in LA Times  http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-brazil-favelas-20121125,0,4302500.story?page=1

I have to admint that this article is incredibly correct article. Right now favelados are complaining about police units and also cocaine isn't that easy to buy.

Other things is that after so called pacification of Rocinha and police's takeover went prices of houses up. Normal 2-3 bedrooms house close to public transportation is now around 100.000 BRL and the same house costed 30-40.000 BRL on time of my arrival 6 months ago. Over 120% of growth.

05 November 2012

i will feel like a loser if i go back to my country

Hey guys, this is what I found on my Google Analytics tools. And this is what someone googled. And this is exactly my case. Or I telling this to myself. It would be too easy to go back to my country and get a well payed job in some big bank. And rent a realy good loking apartment near to downtown close to good restaurants and also to my normal middle class friends with the same interests and topics as I have. But it's gone because of to feel like a loser and don't have nothing.

Actualy it's one year that I've came here and I have to say it was a hell of a year. I experienced a lot and I realized what has value for me personaly.

Last monht I've been working and collecting new wisdoms. I've met some interesting people like: http://bigglobetrotter.blogspot.com who is my fellow compatriot. And also I'm still working in hotel and I've met there some other Czech who's living in São Paulo for 8 years. What a coincidence!

Finally I'd like to say that I'm not giving it up and I will continue staying here in Rio de Janeiro.

23 September 2012

Rocinha blackout

The part of hill where I've been living had today more than 15 hours blackout. No internet... Whole nearby transformer was burned aproximately in 2 AM and technicians of local electric company called Light (I don't know why Brazilian use english words if they even can't pronounce it at all) wasn't able to came here around midday. And without internet it sucks.

So I started to read book called Ater Dark by Murakami that I borrowed in hotel. Luckily in english. It's my first meeting with Murakami and after almost entire day blackout and around 100 pages I have to say that I like it.

In this book he is extraordinary detail describer. Scenes that he's describing are let's say at least mysterious.

After complete reading I will post here more what I think. Right now I have to check like million things on internet.

20 September 2012

Police was killed in Rocinha

It has been couple days that here in Rocinha that the member of police unit was killed here on the hill. It looks like police unit and two gangsters were confronted face to face in one little street in part called Terrerão. The bandidos jigged up and one shot police man in the face which on the way to hospital died.

Police striked back with bothering every person on streets of Rocinha. The gangster who killed the man was found two days after the incident in one sewer in Botafogo which is nearby neighborhud.

And today was also the big Day for Rocinha. After all day police chopper in the air and black uniformed police on streets patroling was inaugurated the UPP. This is Unidade da policia pacificadora do estado Rio de Janeiro - pacification police. Right now is more than 700 members of police in Rocinha.

Yeah, right on police :D

11 September 2012

About hotel job and new shoes

it was a long time that i didn't post nothing. I've been busy and actualy I don't like posts without subject. I'm not able to write about bullshit as a lot of bloggers do only for get readers.

I have so many news. My job is outstanding. I'm working in 5 stars boutique hotel in Rio de Janeiro as hotel staff with owners' promises to become a sub manager. Hotel has only 5 employes so it should be easy to manage it.

Owner is suprisingly nice guy and with his wife are making great couple. They are living in a hotel more than 8 years. I assume that life in work is very exhausting for them and also with the same people.

There is also 2 guys working 8 years but without life force. Their life is only to go to work to have money for beer. On one side I get it when you realize that your life is meaningless and your only important thing to do is clean shit of others (but just for the record people on other side of this barriere feels way to more important than is needed). But on the other side they actualy don't want to do nothing and more or less are satysfied with their lifes.

And than is there one iliterate girl. She is very warmhearted but itt's very dificult to explain her something simple like that she has to prepare 3 different eggs for 3 different people. And cheif of kitchen who is realy the laziest man i've ever seen. Actually he is going for work only to sleep. When he has to do something he starts to complain. I've heard from the owners' wife that he asked for rising the salary. He isn't even able to answer to phone and ask the calling party what he/she wants.

I'm still living in Rocinha. Sometimes I guide the clients of the hotel to show them this place. Of course  everybody is scared to death of violent behavior of residents :))

Oh yeah and I bought new shoes for R$ 99,00 in Copacabana

19 August 2012

Hotel stuff

I got big news... After hard work on carrying furniture on favela I got a new job. In hotel here in Gavea. It's luxury and close to my house. Salary 1000 BRL. Tomorrow I will start at 7.30.

With this job helped me my old boss and some girl called Rachel who was working in that hotel before me. I carried a bed for her house with owner of store and he mentioned for her that gringo here needs a better job because he speaks other languages and this job could do 95% favelados of Rocinha. :D And she told us that she works in some little hotel where owner is a french and for sure needs someone who speaks english.

Yeah I met with that guy and he said ok that I can start work on monday. What is ironic that the girl who helped me got fired for money robery in hotel. Life is in circles :D

14 August 2012

Job in favela Rocinha

Hey there, I got a job here in Rocinha. In a furniture store where we bought bed and some other stuff. Owner is good man who knows all that stuff about giving workers 30 brl per day for carrying realy heavy things and deliverying in their homes. But in a country where is minimal salary around 625 BRL per month (300 USD) is this realy good.

For someone it's difficult to deal with it because it's the worst kind of job that you can get it here, worst paid and after 10 hours shift you are completely broken. It's not like czech expats in USA because in USA even with minimal salary can live with european standards. Here is favela. Nothing here  reminds european standards. And it's way beyond brazilian standard.

But as I noticed inside of their favela's houses there is lot of comfort of middle class like plasma TV and airconditioning system and Xbox :) But of course there's a lot of poverty when people has nothing and they are living in shanty houses.

When you carry furniture you will get attention of people because they never seen white man with blond hair and blue eyes doing this kind of job.

And other news: as I wrote before there is many police officers with submashine guns. One night I was in local bar drinking beer and police was checking on me. With a serious face I had to pull off my T-shirt and they checked my balls :D

25 July 2012

Dot-com bubble 2.0 called Facebook

I want to share with you my pervert point of view on ongoing dot-com bubble 2.0. As you could  notice, there was an IPO (initial public offering) of Facebook and it was overpriced. Who certainly has profited was Mark Zuckerberg - CEO of company and other employes who has been given so called employes' shares. IPO was priced at 38 USD, but according other analytics the real price was something around 28-29 USD for share.

No wonder, Zuckerberg just used oportonity to gain more money. After previous IPOs of social media related companies such as LinkedIn and Zynga which prices climbed up rapidly after market-opening, overpriced Facebook wasn't too confidential.

This kind of stock like Apple, Google and now Facebook are so called cool stock - every of retail investor must have it. And retail investor usualy doesn't know how to calculate price of stock. Upcoming IPO of Twitter will be probably much more difficult than previous.

Another side of this business is an institution that is in the role of guarantor. In this case was Morgan Stanley - American multinacional financial services corporation (not only investment banking). The Facebooks' IPO was a great example what this company is doing for living. Take money from dummy "investors".

But on another side it is problem of people what to do with their savings and one of the simpliest way is to get rid of the money - usualy unconsciously. They trust their stock market broker or in this case multinational financial services corporation with Name and after expected decline they will sue them. But getting rid of the money is what people usualy do in their lifes. We are working like slaves in our jobs and than we spend all salary for buying useless stuff like home theatres or in advanced case Lamborghinies for feeling a little freedom in our lives but who profit from this are only those big multinational financial services corporation and they're making of us more slaves that we are willing to admit.

And Facebook? There are two ways what company will do with money "gained" in IPO - free cashflow to firm and free cashflow to equity. They have now 4 bilions USD. What with them? Buy 4 Instagrams? Buy back or dividend are too far and right now too unreachable. But who knows. 

23 July 2012

Homeless in São Paulo returned 20.000 BRL to owner?

Lately, a Brazilian mass media showed up story of homeless couple living on the street who found stolen money from robery. And guess what. They have returned money for owner of the robbed restaurant.

For those of you who can speak portuguese http://g1.globo.com/sao-paulo/noticia/2012/07/moradores-de-rua-encontram-r-20-mil-e-os-entregam-para-pm-em-sp.html

It seems like urban legend, huh? Or Brazilian TV Globo doesn't have enough topic to talk about in Jornal Nacional? Do you guys think that Brazilian people are too good? Or TV are just trying to "educate" people, that normal Brazilian would return money?

It's almost impossible describe how Brazilian medias are making too much noise about it. And just for the record, according all information Globo and other BR TVs are private.

22 July 2012

Reconstruction of the favela house

I have delay of writing my blogposts almost because of reconstruction my (ex)girlfriends' house here in Rocinha. This is something that I never did except wall painting so I'm a bit slow. I was without internet connection and used internet only for important things like doing some SEO for my other websites.

So about that house reconstruction, i will post photos when i will have more time. My (ex) girlfriend has house in Rocinha, but it was occupied by tenants. But since she is in Brazil more than 7 months she asked her house back.

House was totally broken and I've been told that I can fix it. I didn't hasite and did whatever I could. I took almost 3 weeks but I'm "proud" of me...

Yeah and for the record, tomorrow I'm going to Ipanema again ask for new job. Wish me good luck ;)

29 June 2012

Waiter in Ipanema

Yeah, i finally get a job and i was actualy working in one bar/restaurant in Ipanema. For 3 days and 36 hours of netto working time my boss decided that she will try other person. Yeah bad luck. 

I think that she didn't call me because of my portuguese. I have things mixed up right now. I wasn't physically capable to work alone in that restaurant for 3 days. I feel like a loser again :-) Something is happening with my head. But for nextime.

Have to search for another job right now. Valeu

22 June 2012

Job in Rio de Janeiro #3

Hey guys,
after never ending searching for job in Rio de Janeiro I started believe that I'm going to die here in my place full of rats and cockroaches. It was realy the worst situation I've ever experienced but not as that worst like working as stock broker.

I accepted that I'll maybe not be able to find a job here and get some money for surviving. I totally accept that I may have go back to my country with a shame of loser that I certainly am just like all of us. But what ust happend was awesome.

I just got a job!!

Yesterday I was in some interview in small restaurant in Ipanema. I explained to a proprietor that I'm here without carteira de trabalho (any work permission) and she hadn't any problem with that. I'll be doing waiter there and I'm starting today at 5.30 PM. It low classes work but I find that really better that calling to my clients that we just lost money in "our" portfoilio during the Greek election.

Reality helped me after I accept the worst scenario can happen. This is Brazil for me. It's fucking carusel.

So let's get a work! 

15 June 2012

Job in Rio de Janeiro 2

Heh, working in Rio de Janeiro isn't that easy as I tought and wrote here :) I was working for one man who wants to make a tourist agency in Rocinha. I was creating the site and helping him to create structure of his company because evidently he doesn't know anything about earns and costs. But after some time I realized that he always leaves me when I asked money. Aftere 100x asking money he told me that unfortunately he right now doesn't have money to pay me but he is trying to get sponsor of his project. Men it sucks. I stoped doing everything for him. I once again believed someone that it will be OK.

Sometimes I live (you too) in dream that everyone is pure and has the best intentions. But the reality is only ilusion and this was my excuse for not holding my life in my own hands. I'm sure that I knew it but I didn't admit it.

And Brazil has one advantage: if you make a mistake, you will know imediatelly. What I want to say is that after making mistakes there will be no dealey after misteke and before reality will notice you. This means for me that I will loose other 5kg of my weight.

Projects on internet are in advantage stage of making money but money is too small for debiting and what is more important when I'm not brazilian resident I don't have any accounts here. I'm solving that problem too but during all the restrictions have to wait more than I can handle without the food.

So I have to find a job. I noticed a lot of people that I know for "helping" me find the job. But I know that I have to make this alone.

For any qualified and unqualified type of work you have to submitt a CV. So I made my CV in portuguese. I spend hours to send my cv on internet, but if someone rarely responded and asked me if I have carteira de trabalho, he thanked me for my time and when I have my docs all right I can call him again. This sucks.

What remains is print out my curriculum and go for street. I've visited almost 50 businesses for offering my services. Should be noted that I can work on any possition in their business and my portuguese is advanced but until now is without responce. It's/I'm starting to be crazy.

So wish me good luck I'll go for street once again.

07 June 2012

Living costs in Rio de Janeiro

Hey I'm little delaying on posting here but it doesn't mean that nothing happened. I've search internet and I've found a lot of stuff about cost of life in Rio de Janeiro. Is it full of shits about middle class life and maintaining living standards etc. I just want to say if you want to come to Brazil and you don't have to enough money, you have to accept the fact that you will LOSE your life standards. And besides Brazil doesn't offer the same things as Europe offers.

And other thing, if you're afraid that you will lose something you should probably stay at home. Leaving your country you will lose so much that you expect. It's like some people want to start a business and don't have balls for losing money. It will always lead to hell.  

In Rio de Janeiro is a huge difference between poor and rich people. The poorest live in shacks. The most rich people lives in 500m2 penthouses with spectacular view. But don't be confused almost all the slums are located on hills and it's giving an advantage. You can get a spectacular view for less price. But probably the asphalt road won't be in front of your house.

If you want to rent small apartment in Copacabana or Leblon, you'll pay something around 1.300 BRL. But you'll need Brazilian guarantor if you never had a rented apps in Brazil.  In Rocinha the price for small "house" is around 500 BRL and you'll get 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen. Usually unfurnished.

Let's say that you don't need too much electric devices and in that case you'll consume something around 50 BRL per month. Water consumption for 2 people is around 30 BRL. Water in Rocinha is for free but the quality is questionable (a little bit stinky).

Price of internet in Rio is around 30 BRL. The provider NET has for that price 10 Mbps. In Rocinha is that price for 700-1000 kbps.

Food depends on your personal desires and needs :D If you're fat pig that eats every 30 minutes you need a lot of money. But I think in low cost version is about 200 BRL if you prepare food in your house. Eating on street is quite expensive. I guess 30 BRL per day in low cost version.

OK comparing this expenses with a minimal wage in Rio de Janeiro 630 BRL it seems that life is impossible here :)

28 May 2012

Police invasion against the drug dealers in Rocinha

I want to describe how is the situation in Rocinha after police invasion.

Let me describe situation in Rio de Janeiro first. In Brazil the homicides doubled since 1980 and looks like a constant problem in country where doesn't exist religious, ethnic and racist conflicts. Almost 50,000 people are killed in Brazil every year.

However,  the situation in Rio de Janeiro is statisticly better. According this document http://mapadaviolencia.org.br/pdf2012/mapa2012_rj.pdf the homicide crime is dropping down in last decade. In year 2000 was in state of Rio de Janeiro 51 homicides per 100,000 habitants and 56.1 in city Rio de Janeiro and its agglomeration. In year 2010 was half on both sides.

Drug dealers are responsible for most homicides. There is no dead bodies in Rio de Janeiro. Who is scared of violence are again middle and upper class. I believe, that you can be robbed in Rio, as the most people said but you can be robbed also in other bigger city.

Rio de Janeiro has approximately 700 shanty towns called favelas. Ten years ago was almost all of them occupied by one of the drug dealing gang. There are 3 biggest gangs in Rio that are occupiing favelas. Probably the biggest and oldest faction is Comando Vermelho (CV), Amigo dos Amigos (ADA) and Terceiro Comando Puro (TCP) which starts a "business" after masacre in prison Bangu where a part of CV splited and killed almost all of remaining command of CV.

Situation after 10 years was different. Politicans felt electoral power because 1/3 of habitant of city is considered to be habitant of favela. Goverment stared huge operation for throwning out dealers from favelas. In these pacified favelas are in charge police militias which are recieving money for protecting habitants against violence and drug gangs. Pacified favela is considered to be a "property" of PMRJ(Rio de Janeiro Police Department) and was distributed to high-ranking police chiefs who has profits of it.

In Rocinha was since 2004 in charge ADA but after November 2011 arrrest of Antônio Francisco Bofim Lopes also called Nem is considered to be pacified. On every corner is a police patrol with submachine guns. And indenpendent teams are patroling becos (small street).

The presence of guns is prety disturbing but you can used to it. Police is checking a lot of people and the worst situation is on night. It's not good to leave you home without identification. Sometimes I can hear gunshots but it's a far away. There is no sign of drug dealers but I can bet that some of the people that I know are.  

22 May 2012

Baile funk - "music" of Rio de Janeiro

Last weekend I had honor to visit a local show. It's called baile funk and it's party. Its visitors are mostly poor people from slums, but there are parties for not too low classes on a borders of slums.

Baile funk is a party. There are MC's which play music simply called funk. It doesn't have anything common with funk that is known in Europe or USA. Texts content a lot of violence, social injustice and sex. It's very simple. Singers are trying (or even not trying) to rap the text.

Here is a great exaple of what girls are doing. The move is called bum bum

 On show was a lot of girls with big asses shaking all time in front of my face... I think that for person from western world is this a lot of temptation. Girls are very comunicative and provocative.

Frankly I had to leave very quckly because...

Make your opinion yourself.

18 May 2012

My flat in Rio de Janeiro again

I forgot to post some fotos that I promissed. The flat where I'm sleeping is under rat atack right now. On terase is a lot of eletronic stuff such as trasmitors, loudspeakers, amplifiers etc. It looks like I'm living in trash.
A closer look:

The proprietor of the radio isn't a person who wants to change anything and in that case I have to convince him to do it.

Here is another picture of a street below. The fact is that I have security for free.

Nevertheless, I have to solve the rat problem because I'm really unconfortable with this. But sofar I didn't make nothing.
Any idea?

Usefull feature for solving this problem is to have a door on terrace. Let's see if it's possible.

14 May 2012

Mothers' day in Brazil and churrasco on the roof

Yesterday was Mothers' day all around the world. But since Brazil is matriarchy it was big event. Mom here is a head of family. The cult of mother is so strong that almost every family doesn't have father. I think that it has something in common with divorces and family separation in Brazil. It looks like woman is more important here than man.

I was invited for family barbecue on favela. I have to say that I'm not so social right now, but someone said to me that is quiete impolite to refuse invitation for churrasco. So I went.

Sunday here in Rocinha was really rainy, but in my opinion was there in small house on favela a lot of people. Aproximatelly 12. Acording of other it wasn't so much. For that 12 invited persons was 30kg of all kind of meat. All was coming with wishing for mom of the family. Just like on birthday.

This event was on roof of house with a kind of roof of sails. In the middle of roof was homemade barbecue grill and 2kW big loudspeaker. I didn't hear what others were saying. Nothing usual. Brazilian are always like that. Frankly, I didn't care what they were saying. I was on my wave with laptop.

They found it outrageous too. When it's party you can't work. I have to explain what I do every day. It's quiete anoying. But funny.

When you realize that people from the poorest circles don't want to spend more time with working besides their job, it is funny, because person they considere to be rich or from rich country trying to work every minute of his life. They don't understand me why. I'm trying to explain. And I don't understand why they want to listen to me about working.

What will help is tolerance. I will tolerate their desire stay poor and maybe they will tolerate my effort not to be eaten by rats.

10 May 2012

Brazilian national passion footbal

Brazilians loves football. I've never been in other states of Brazil but cariocas (who lives in Rio de Janeiro) look like this is only meaning of life. Football is part of their religion. Every time you meet a new person you'll be ask to answer question of what is you favorite team. You can choose between these:

  • Flamengo
  • Botafogo
  • Fluminense
  • Vasco
Those are the most famous here. You better know names of famous players. Not knowing is considered to ignorance.

It doesn't matter if the match is not important. It's always the one. People will watch it on bars, clubs and restaurants and don't want to be disturbed. They want to see the game. 

07 May 2012

Flat in favela Rocinha Rio de Janeiro

I was able to start cleaning my new "flat". This is how it looked before. Especialy the terrasa.

When I'll finish the cleaning, I'll give a complete look.

How to get visa in Brazil

If you pretend to stay in Brazil you have 5 options how to obtain visa. I will describe it with all necesarities.

  1. Investment visa - if you got equivalent to 150.000 BRL (approximately 78.000 USD) you can open thru your procurador (person, usually lawyer, that have a power of attorney) open new company and send this money for bank account of your new company. I'll recommend you to hire company that is specialized for visa business, you can avoid all future problems. 
  2. Working visa - usually happens when you are interesting of job in Brazil for bigger company. Your new employer will make all necesary steps for obtaining visas.
  3. Marriage with brazilian - it looks like the easiest way for getting visa, but trust me, brazilian woman are complicated
  4. Childbirt - there is nothing to say it's obvious, if your child will be born in Brazil, you got automaticaly brazilian visa
  5. Visa amnesty - every 10 years the brazilian govermant will give amnesty.  From the date of approval, illegal foreigners who entered prior to February have 180 days to make themselves known to the Federal Police and register their position. They will need to present proof of their date of entry, a clear criminal record both within and outside of Brazil, and pay an as-yet unconfirmed sum for the Carteira de Identidade de Estrangeiro (CEI).  

After 5 years of remaining visa you have the right to apply for naturalization which means brazilian passport.

Job in Rio de Janeiro

I'll describe how to search for job, when you're in Rio de Janeiro irregular(without resident or working visa). Frankly, it's quite dificult. In a small cities it should be easier but in Rio de Janeiro all companies want to hire you on contract. It's called carteira assinada. But if you don't have appropriate type of visa, noone is going to employ you.
I was able to, thru my connections here, get a job as self-employee. That means I'll be paid for work that will be done. I don't want to say here that it's impossible get a job here as employee but due to regulation for asking and obtaining visa is quite dificult.
Beside the job for radio, I got job for one company that's responsible for the development of tourism in Rocinha. In this project will be included medial propagation of brand. I want to say that is dificult some brazilian how does internet work but looks like they fully suport my steps and decisions and that is on one side good for me because I don't need to use my argumentation skill but on the other side they will certainly blame me if we didn't succeed in my sector of work.
But let's say that is good start in Rocinha. I will keep you updated.

05 May 2012

Favela da Rocinha - is it for gringos?

Brazilians have terrible fear of favelas. I mean brazilian from middle class. When I told them that I will move to favela It was a lot of explaining why.
Why white men want to live in the worst place in Rio de Janeiro in first place? Well, when is your situation in Brazil worsening, you have to stop bleeding. I mean stop spending money when you are not earning money. Is it obvious?
I spread the word and I got home... One guy in local radio want me to improve website of his radio because he is spending too much money for paying one guy from Minas Gerais (other state in Brazil). This guy is without the shame ask for unacceptable money. After stating that noone will pay more money, he's beginning threatening. He doesn't want to provide information for webhosting and even doesn't want to change administration profile in domain registering page.

One advice - be aware of brazilien piranhas not favelas.

Long story short - radio man offered me if I want to stay in second floor of his radio. And I didn't hasitate any minute and accepted imediately.
Let me describe it. It's cobertura in Rocinha. Cobertura means this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penthouse_apartment but it is all in Rocinha style and all is for FREE.

I have to do a lot of cleaning in my new apartment because noone lived there for long time but I'm happy that I have place to stay.

02 May 2012

Weather in Rio de Janeiro in May

It's strange I'm from middle Europe and i feel cold in tropical clima. Last few days was quiete rainy and as you've noticed it was really cold. There's several reasons why:
- houses are opened
- usualy I don't wear jacket here
- when it's raining and I don't have umbrella I get wet.

Temperature is 20 but because of all this humidity looks like 15 or less.

28 April 2012

Rio and summer

Summer here was very hot. And it was pretty long. For person from middle Europe was twice that difficult because of humidity and the fact that in Europe was winter.
Right now it's beatiful fall with a lot of sun and occasional raining. I'm not sweating anymore. The worst time of year is gone. Sea looks pretty good. Waves are bigger than usualy. It's surfing time. In our city will start surf championship. But unfortunately I will move in Rio de Janeiro. Right now things are becoming dificult and I have no reason to stay here in this small city.
I was doing some research of renting flats there. Looks like the most cheaper "flats" are in slums :) A couple days ago I was visiting favela da Rocinha. The biggest slum in Latin America. It was awesome. I never felt something like that. The city has its own life. According to all information you can feel save in that kind of slums. It's much safer than in Copacabana where people are assaulted.
I will give a try. There's no reason why spend money on flats in other parts of Rio when I have chance to live in Rocinha.
I think that Brazil accepted me with open arms. But I have to say that there is nothing that I was thinking. Nothing is so easy. There's a lot of oportunity for making money here but the path is full of obstacles and people who doesn't have enough money like me will suffer here.

19 April 2012


I was thinking and I realize that what leaves us unsatisfied is clinging on things or circumstances. And I don't speak only about sticking with a good things. Sometimes we're sticked on bad thing but we can't recognize that is bad because that thing can bring us feeling of security.
I don't want to look like some kind of guru, but I feel right now that would be 100 times easier to live when you know that anything doesn't matter and you can give up imediately. It has something to do with internal feedback.
Back in Europe I was men of good living standards with good position in society. Leaving my coutry I lost all of my statuses and I came here to discover that almost nothing is that important I can't give up. More and more I'm realizing that.
And also more and more I am discovering that live without all modern equipments is much easier. Of course that I'm forced to think like that. Of course that I don't have money for buying all that beautifull stuff from stores, but right now I'm feeling that I am much closer of  freedom. I simply don't care about other's opinion about me. That's a beauty of this.

05 April 2012

What am I doing in Rio

I live approximately 100 km north of Rio de Janeiro in small town/village on the border of the ocean. I'm here because of my frind who invited me in this place. There's possibility that I would choose other place to live such as big anonymous city but thigs happened and I'm here. 
In our small city we have small comunity of inhabitants of one small european country. We all live in the same neighborhood and we're trying to make a restaurant business with delivery of the pizza. This restaurant or pizza factory is propriety of friend who was here originaly first. Needless to say that we don't earn almost nothing yet but in this situation should help new prospects and campaing. 
I personally live in pousada - kind of family hotel - and trying to figure out how to live for R$ 3,00 per day to survive. And my last 2 months are about constant hard work without sleeping. Local people doesn't believe that someone from Europe can live like that. They have perfectly distorted image of european welth.
They won't admit that an icons of rich life such as Europe or USA are on decline. That people are lost in their games too much that someday have to shoot 50 people for getting rid of frustration. Brazilians are to naive and they want to believe their lies about other world. Really hard to explain them the situation in Europe. And I don't mention the financial situation there because it's something that brasileiros don't want to hear at all.

I'm also trying to do some SEO and business about POS systems. And most recently I'm trying to explain one company that brazilian market is full of oportunities but it's really hard to succeed without proper knowledge and major skills such as language and patience.

04 April 2012


Hello stranger,
it's been a while when I leave my country and move to Brazil (about 5 months) and I want to describe it for whole world what is happening and how the life in Brazil can be hard. If you are thinking of leaving your country too, consider it to a kind of guidline or whatever. More than guidline it should be warning for all that think that life in Brazil only means partying, carneval ou beach visiting. It certainly doesn't.
I'm young 24 years-old guy that emigrated from my country because of the financial and existencional crises. I couldn't stand that middle-class life with all  loans and stereotypes. All that games that leads to that was fake. I really didn't discover the meaning of life or something, but one thing that I can do right now is to help other people to understand how this things (not so in Brazil) just works.
Emigration is one way to loose your connection with your old life easier. But it's not that easy anyway.
In the world where symbols rule us, you will need money. For so so exististence here you will need equivalent of R$ 200.000. This will help you with your visa if you like doing things officialy.
For those who don't have this money is other way, but I don't like it. Problem is that I'm not indenpendent and I have to still make things just for money.
Really I think that here is not a problem get a job and work as whatever for minimal wage. If you can concentrate on this and bring some efectivity you can create a good oportunity that can give you some money. For me it's hard life right now. I don't sleep but symbols are required.

So let's work