20 September 2012

Police was killed in Rocinha

It has been couple days that here in Rocinha that the member of police unit was killed here on the hill. It looks like police unit and two gangsters were confronted face to face in one little street in part called Terrerão. The bandidos jigged up and one shot police man in the face which on the way to hospital died.

Police striked back with bothering every person on streets of Rocinha. The gangster who killed the man was found two days after the incident in one sewer in Botafogo which is nearby neighborhud.

And today was also the big Day for Rocinha. After all day police chopper in the air and black uniformed police on streets patroling was inaugurated the UPP. This is Unidade da policia pacificadora do estado Rio de Janeiro - pacification police. Right now is more than 700 members of police in Rocinha.

Yeah, right on police :D


  1. no tak to je slušný 700kluků v Rocinhe navíc :-)

  2. jsem se dozvedel, ze ty kluci na rocinhu byli planovany a nejsou tam jen kry toho zastrelenyho poldu...

  3. no dyt je to tady napsany, ze borci otevreli novy oddil UPP. Jinak se to po tom zastrelenem fizlovi jen zostrilo... Litaj helikoptery a fizli otravujou s obcankama atd
