The part of hill where I've been living had today more than 15 hours blackout. No internet... Whole nearby transformer was burned aproximately in 2 AM and technicians of local electric company called Light (I don't know why Brazilian use english words if they even can't pronounce it at all) wasn't able to came here around midday. And without internet it sucks.
So I started to read book called Ater Dark by Murakami that I borrowed in hotel. Luckily in english. It's my first meeting with Murakami and after almost entire day blackout and around 100 pages I have to say that I like it.
In this book he is extraordinary detail describer. Scenes that he's describing are let's say at least mysterious.
After complete reading I will post here more what I think. Right now I have to check like million things on internet.
We wanna new posts!
ReplyDeleteand we have a lack of time... but blog will continue
ReplyDeleteso the lights need to go out for you to read/// LOL