05 April 2012

What am I doing in Rio

I live approximately 100 km north of Rio de Janeiro in small town/village on the border of the ocean. I'm here because of my frind who invited me in this place. There's possibility that I would choose other place to live such as big anonymous city but thigs happened and I'm here. 
In our small city we have small comunity of inhabitants of one small european country. We all live in the same neighborhood and we're trying to make a restaurant business with delivery of the pizza. This restaurant or pizza factory is propriety of friend who was here originaly first. Needless to say that we don't earn almost nothing yet but in this situation should help new prospects and campaing. 
I personally live in pousada - kind of family hotel - and trying to figure out how to live for R$ 3,00 per day to survive. And my last 2 months are about constant hard work without sleeping. Local people doesn't believe that someone from Europe can live like that. They have perfectly distorted image of european welth.
They won't admit that an icons of rich life such as Europe or USA are on decline. That people are lost in their games too much that someday have to shoot 50 people for getting rid of frustration. Brazilians are to naive and they want to believe their lies about other world. Really hard to explain them the situation in Europe. And I don't mention the financial situation there because it's something that brasileiros don't want to hear at all.

I'm also trying to do some SEO and business about POS systems. And most recently I'm trying to explain one company that brazilian market is full of oportunities but it's really hard to succeed without proper knowledge and major skills such as language and patience.

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