05 November 2012

i will feel like a loser if i go back to my country

Hey guys, this is what I found on my Google Analytics tools. And this is what someone googled. And this is exactly my case. Or I telling this to myself. It would be too easy to go back to my country and get a well payed job in some big bank. And rent a realy good loking apartment near to downtown close to good restaurants and also to my normal middle class friends with the same interests and topics as I have. But it's gone because of to feel like a loser and don't have nothing.

Actualy it's one year that I've came here and I have to say it was a hell of a year. I experienced a lot and I realized what has value for me personaly.

Last monht I've been working and collecting new wisdoms. I've met some interesting people like: http://bigglobetrotter.blogspot.com who is my fellow compatriot. And also I'm still working in hotel and I've met there some other Czech who's living in São Paulo for 8 years. What a coincidence!

Finally I'd like to say that I'm not giving it up and I will continue staying here in Rio de Janeiro.


  1. jasny je to ze navratem domu by s nic nevyresilo, tady jses proste na samym dne všech tech sracek a postupne lezes na horu. Ono bejt v pohodlicku midleclass je dafacto vetsi sracka nez prespat na favele nebo v plesnivým baraku kterej si musis vycistit aby jsi to prežil. No ale chci rict ze tady jsem si uvedomil co vsecko nepotrebuju a bez ceho vseho se da zit a zit docela solidne. Myslím si ze nejvetsi odrikani by bylo nemit net... pac tam je to jak drogova zavislost, ale i tak bz se dalo zmaknout. Ono ve finale to breceni nikomu nepomuze a kdyz zapne a maka tak je to stokrat lepsi nez nic... a kdo nic nedela nic nezkazi a nedostane ty informace z tech posranejch veci kterých si cennim nejvic. Tak se drz a makej nic jinyho nas neceka..

  2. a ono se to vraci... kazdej mesic mi zvysujou plat a vydelavam dost penez na dyskach :D

  3. I have been to Prague and loved it. happy to hear you've been to brazil and enjoyed it too...

  4. Čau...hele nikde se mi tady nepovedlo najít na tebe kontakt.

    facebook či email? ozvi se mi, rád bych s tebou prohodil pár slov, protože mám příští podzim plán dost podobný tomu tvému. Díku dík


    1. prosim podobne navrhy mi ani nedavejte... neprijel jsem do Brazilie, abych se potkaval s cechama a pomahal jim na jejich zhyrale tour za devkama
