05 May 2012

Favela da Rocinha - is it for gringos?

Brazilians have terrible fear of favelas. I mean brazilian from middle class. When I told them that I will move to favela It was a lot of explaining why.
Why white men want to live in the worst place in Rio de Janeiro in first place? Well, when is your situation in Brazil worsening, you have to stop bleeding. I mean stop spending money when you are not earning money. Is it obvious?
I spread the word and I got home... One guy in local radio want me to improve website of his radio because he is spending too much money for paying one guy from Minas Gerais (other state in Brazil). This guy is without the shame ask for unacceptable money. After stating that noone will pay more money, he's beginning threatening. He doesn't want to provide information for webhosting and even doesn't want to change administration profile in domain registering page.

One advice - be aware of brazilien piranhas not favelas.

Long story short - radio man offered me if I want to stay in second floor of his radio. And I didn't hasitate any minute and accepted imediately.
Let me describe it. It's cobertura in Rocinha. Cobertura means this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penthouse_apartment but it is all in Rocinha style and all is for FREE.

I have to do a lot of cleaning in my new apartment because noone lived there for long time but I'm happy that I have place to stay.


  1. Takže zase posun, zajímavý příběh. Bydlení reltivně free a správa website. A průvodcovství platí, nebo je to vyautované. Radost sdílím s tebou :-)...

  2. no vyautovane to neni, je to jen druhy job... napisu o tom vsem vice... je to zmatene a i ja jsem z toho zmateny. Taky mam radost aspon z toho, ze nemusim nic platit za bydleni. A poprve v zivote mam moznost rozjet stremovaci radio, ktere uz je rozjete :D

  3. Tak to je super. Je s podivem, že člověk sdílí radost s druhým lépe, než jeho starosti. Je to další otázka proč to tak v životě chodí. Ten příběh je cesta a tak to piš dál...

  4. no jo, nikdo nechce resit neci strasti...

  5. Good post! And so true. My boyfriend is brazilian and I realized how they think about favelas. They grew up being taught that everyone in favela is "bandido", haha.

  6. Prejudices...
    They believe too much in TV. There's so much mainstream and almost everyone think that's unquestionable truth.
    I'm spending a lot of time explaining that not everythink in TV is truth or at least objective.
